

You can give in person, mail us a check, or donate online with Paypal.

The act of stewardship starts at home, and for us that home is All Saints Orthodox Church. Let us remember the words of scripture, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35).


Annual Stewardship Form

Do you remember the story of how Christ blessed five loaves and two fish and was able to feed 5,000+ people?

With an offering that wasn’t even enough to feed Himself and the 12 apostles…our Lord was able to feed thousands and thousands of hungry men, women, and children! 

Christ is able to bless our offerings and multiply them in amazing and miraculous ways… but He can only do this is if you offer them!

Help us plan for the many ways we’ll serve Christ in Hartford (and serve Hartford in Christ) by completing a pledge form TODAY!

Stewardship Form