Service Opportunities
There are many different ways for you to serve the church. Below are just a few.
Want to help out with fellowship hour? It’s easy!
- Sign up for a Sunday on the clipboard by the coffee bar
- Brings an offering of food (bagels, cakes, fruit & vegetables, main courses, leftovers in your fridge, etc.)
- Prepare the coffee and hot water for tea
- Clean up after Coffee Hour
Come early and welcome everyone to the church!
- Arrive 30 minutes early prior to start of Divine Liturgy (8:30 AM)
- Make everyone feel welcome as they enter
- Stay in the Narthex a few minutes after 9 to welcome late-comers
- Distribute bulletins, prayer books, pledge cards, etc., as needed.
- Assist guests in locating bulletin, candle desk, facilities, etc.
- Invite guests to stay for coffee and fellowship downstairs after Liturgy
If you or your child is interested in serving as an Altar Server or Handmaiden please contact Sub-deacon Nick or Fr. Constantine.
Interested in assisting with reading the Prayers before and after the Divine Liturgy, the Epistle during Divine Liturgy, or Vespers? Please contact Sub-Deacon Nick.
Interested in singing with the choir? Please contact the choir director, Michael Stenko.
There’s many other ways to participate in church life such as working on the parish garden, signing up for a cleaning day, or helping plan one of our events. Come and talk to us about where you would like to serve!